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Eigentlich bin ich nicht überrascht, aber dann doch überrascht, wie schnell GPT mir Antworten liefert, die Sinn machen. Meine Bitte, die gesamte Unterhaltung dann in eine Textdatei zu packen, damit ich sie herunterladen kann, war dann doch zuviel – so musste ich die einzelnen Textbausteine Stück für Stück selbst zusammenpuzzeln. Aber dann verstehen auch normale Menschen oft nicht meine Ausdrucksweise…..

Eps, sollte euer Schulenglisch nicht ganz mitkommen, kopiert bitte die Unterhaltung, und bittet eine AI alles in Deustch zu übersetzen. AI Übersetzungen sind deutlich besser als die standard Angebote ….

Hier die Unterhaltung:

is it fesable to build electronic components – i.e., a computer with big molecules how could interfaces look like?

Yes, it is feasible to build electronic components with big molecules. This field of study is called molecular electronics ¹. It is an interdisciplinary area that spans physics, chemistry, and materials science. The unifying feature is the use of molecular building blocks to fabricate electronic components ¹.

Molecular electronics is still an emerging field, and entire electronic circuits consisting exclusively of molecular-sized compounds are still very far from being realized ¹. However, the prospect of size reduction in electronics offered by molecular-level control of properties has generated much excitement ¹. It provides a potential means to extend Moore’s Law beyond the foreseen limits of small-scale conventional silicon integrated circuits ¹.

As for how interfaces could look like, it is difficult to say as it is still an active area of research. However, researchers have developed a method to fabricate a one-dimensional array of individual molecules and to precisely control its electronic structure ². This is a promising step towards the realization of molecular electronics.

I hope this information helps!

thanks, could you find an internet site or company site concerned with this subject?

Certainly! Here are some websites and companies that are involved in the field of molecular electronics:

  1. The Molecular Electronics Company: This company is involved in the development of molecular electronics chips and sensors ¹.
  2. Molecular Electronics Research Institute (MERI): This is a research center that is part of the Element Group of Companies. It is involved in the research and development of semiconductor products ².
  3. Wikipedia: This page provides a comprehensive overview of molecular electronics, including its history, applications, and current research ³.
  4. Technology Review: This article discusses the work of Roswell Biotechnologies, a company that is developing molecular electronics chips for use in DNA sequencing ⁴.

interesting, however I think this is a path leading nowhere – building molecular electronics from a macro-world mirror may be like trying to teach a dog to speak. Instead, is someone trying to build genome-like molecular strings that would learn by themselves. Then one could train this kind of technical genetics logical structures?

You raise an interesting point. While molecular electronics is still an emerging field, researchers are exploring other ways to build electronic components using molecular-level control of properties. One such area of research is DNA computing ¹. DNA computing is a form of computing that uses DNA molecules instead of traditional silicon-based computer technologies ¹. It is based on the idea that DNA molecules can be used to store and process information in a way that is similar to how computers work ¹.

Another area of research that you might find interesting is machine learning applied to molecular design. Researchers have developed a method to fabricate a one-dimensional array of individual molecules and to precisely control its electronic structure ². This is a promising step towards the realization of molecular electronics. Additionally, researchers have developed a molecular string representation that leverages group tokens to represent functional groups or entire substructures while maintaining chemical robustness guarantees ³. This representation has been shown to improve distribution learning of common molecular datasets ³.

I hope this information helps!

Source: Conversation with Bing, 17/01/2024